Extraction-arguments: -x C:\Users\DELL\DOWNLO~1\AUDIO_~2.EXE -o -d c:\PROGRA~3\dell\drivers\237FB9~1 Extraction-miniunz path: c:\PROGRA~3\dell\drivers\237FB9~1\miniunz.exe Language Compatible with this Package? Unknown OS Compatible with this Package? Unknown Local System/Model Compatible with this Package? Yes System model description: Precision T3610

DUP Capabilities Value: 16777215 (0xFFFFFF) Data in smbios table is (hex)value = 7, Chasis type (hex)value = 7, System type is : Client Original command line: "C:\Users\DELL\Downloads\Audio_Driver_Y8V8V_WN_6._A08 (1).EXE"

The log of a particular attempt to install the base driver is below. The only sound I can generate is through the HDMI cable to my monitor from my NVIDIA K4000. After upgrading to feature update 20H2 of windows the Realtek High Definition Audio driver and sound no longer work and I am usable to install in of the drivers on the system of online.